Room Allocation

The Room Allocation area allows you to automatically send one guest's charges to another guest. For example, your guest wishes to pay for their companion's round of golf as well as their own. Allocation allows us to allocate the room charges to the one Folio.


Click Room Allocation from the Registration section of the Full Menu.


To use the Room Allocation feature:


When you select Room Allocation, first the Select Guest to Allocate FROM screen will open.

Select Guest to allocate Room FROM screen

In the Select Guest to Allocate FROM screen, use the checkboxes across the top to generate a list of the types of folios to show.

You can select from individual guest(s) or groups that are either already in-house or yet to arrive, or you can click the "All" button to select all options to show.

Then click the <<Press to Search>> link located below the text boxes to activate the search.

Note: If the list provided is very large, use the search fields to enter information and limit the search results. Then re-click the <<Press to Search>> link.

Select Guest to Allocate From screen with available options lsit shown

From the search results, click the row of the folio whose charges you want to ALLOCATE TO another guest.

This will next open the Select Guest to Allocate TO screen.

Select Guest to Allocate To screen

In the Select Guest to Allocate TO screen, you can see that the guest folio selected to allocate the charges FROM is also displayed, above the search area.

Perform the necessary search to find the target guest for the charges you want to allocate to another guest. As before, use the checkboxes across the top to generate a list of the types of folios to show.

Again, you can select from individual guest(s) or groups that are either already in-house or yet to arrive, or you can click the "All" button to select all options to show.

Then click the <<Press to Search>> link located below the text boxes to activate the search.

Note: If the list provided is very large, use the search fields to enter information and limit the search results. Then re-click the <<Press to Search>> link.

Select Guest to Allocate to screen showing available guests

From the search results, click the row of the folio to RECEIVE  the charges you are allocating.

This will now open the Room Allocation screen.

Room Allocation screen (with From and To fields complete)

This screen shows the selected FROM guest followed by the selected TO guest.

 Below that is the Select Posting Types to Allocate section: You need to select what should be allocated from the one folio to the other. There is a list of the Post Types you have set up at your Property.

If you have categorized your Post Types into Departments, you can use the Select Department drop-down list to filter which post types are shown.

You should select any Post Types you wish to be allocated by checking the box next to the listing.

Use the checkboxes next to each post type to identify which items' charges to allocate to the TO guest.

If ALL charges are being moved, click the orange button Select All.

To clear all check boxes, click the orange button Deselect All.

Once all the relevant post types to re-allocate have been selected, click the orange Save button.

Note: Taxes will follow postings automatically.

Room Allocation screen AFTER allocation has been completed

Skyware Systems will confirm that the Post Types have been allocated from one guest to the other, and the selected post types will display the start and end dates next to them.

Click the orange <<Back to Main Menu button to return to the main menu.


Note: When you look at the guest's folio that had their charges allocated to another guest (using the Folio Definitions tab on the Stay record), the system will show the post types that have been reallocated and to whom.

When you look at the folio that the charges were allocated to (using the Folio Definitions tab on the Stay record), the system will show the post types that have been reallocated to them and from whom.

When a Group Master has been set up to receive post types, all of those charges will go to the group master. This takes precedence over individual charge routing from guest to guest.



Each stay record can have an unlimited number of folio "Splits" (set up under the Shares/Splits tab of a stay). Once additional folios have been set up, they appear in the list located to the left of the main Folio Definitions tab screen.

Using the allocation function along with the configured folios, you can pre-determine what post types (charges) should go to which folio, and re-route charges from one folio to another (provided additional folios have been set up under the Shares and Splits tab). This is done on the Folio Def tab, "Charges Allocated from" section.

By default all charges go to the "Main" folio.

This tab also shows charges that are being sent to another guest under the Room Allocation feature.

Note: The Folio Def tab also allows you to add recurring charges, and re-route charges from one folio to another (provided additional folios have been set up under the Shares and Splits tab).

See Folio Definitions tab for more details.



Date Updated August 20, 2020